Sunday, July 30, 2006

RCE Book Club Updates & Sept/Oct Selections!

Well, I finally managed to snag myself a copy of our book of the month, Garlic and Sapphires, and finished it this morning while the boyfriend was off flying around Canada for work. Drinking my coffee, listening to Dave Brubeck and contemplating what to eat for breakfast (I ended up at 11 having leftover orrecchiette with Mario Batali's Bolognese sauce from last night's dinner) put me in just the right New York state of mind to finish the story.

For those who haven't yet gotten down to reading it, I urge you to dive right on in. Its a fast read and can be easily digested in commuting time hits. I'm going to save my review for a later time but let's just say that I enjoyed it.

Okay, so I've got my first submission of a recipe review from Connie (thanks!) and I'm going to start posting them on August 1st - first come, first served. Remember we all wanna hear about the recipe AND how we liked the book. There's a few things that came up for me in reading it that I'd love to hear how other people felt...

  1. One can imagine why she became food obsessed (I've not read her other books so don't spoil it for me if she actually writes about it outside of this book, ok?) and ultimately a food critic - but what were YOUR foodie moments? What brought you to seek out other like-minded food people?
  2. If you could pick one restaurant in your experience that deserves four stars what would it be and why?
  3. What would the restaurant of your dreams look like? Sound like? Feel like? Smell like? Where would it be located and what kind of food would it serve?

Okay, now that that's done - we have our September and October books to announce. I've decided to announce these WAY early so that we can all either a) save up to purchase them or b) order them from the library or c) borrow them from friends wherever we can. Please don't feel as though one needs to be rich and able to buy these books on a whim - cookbooks (particularly hardcover ones) can be expensive - and I'd hate for anyone to not be able to participate because of it. So, here we go!

This is an interesting month, because I'm going to surprise you and make it a DOUBLE PLUS GOOD month! We're going to read TWO books! There's just too much out there that we all want to read (based on your comments and emails) so we're going to do another memoir month - but this time, I want a recipe that you're inspired to make or create based on either one (or both) of these books. Now, this doesn't mean that you have to READ both - pick one or the other and go with it! So, we're going to read Heat by Bill Buford (an interesting review can be found on Amazon's page by our second author of the month) AND The Nasty Bits by Anthony Bourdain. I'm really looking forward to both - and can't wait to see what we come up with for recipes!
Heat @
Heat @
Heat @ Indigo

The Nasty Bits @
The Nasty Bits @
The Nasty Bits @ Indigo

This month is going to be all about seasonality of Autumn. When I was thinking about what I'd like to be reading in October I wanted something big and comforting and ORANGE. So, we're going to be reading Sunday Suppers at Lucques by Suzanne Goin. Its all about the season, but considering that the recipes in this amazing book (it won a James Beard Cookbook award for pete's sake!) are a bit more challenging, a bit complicated at times and a bit time consuming - just the thing for the colder weekends some of us will be starting to experience in October. So, pick a recipe from the Autumnal section of the book and let me know what you're into making!
Sunday Suppers at Lucques @
Sunday Suppers at Lucques @

Again, don't feel too much pressure about getting the feedback to me straight away, I won't be publishing anything more on the September and October selections until the end of August so you have plenty of time to go check them all out. Looking forward to it already!


At 9:21 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is more of a follow-up to your post "Foodie Intel." You might want to mention that the Loblaws site has a contest on for $5000 in gift cards. I figured, since I'd rather read the online flyer anyway, I registered and entered. Hey, $5000 would buy a lot of pretty decent ingredients ;)

At 10:28 a.m., Blogger virtuallyeric said...

Hey Matt, I tried to enter it myself but for some reason the link just didn't want to work for me... Oh well, I'll try again later!

P.S. Have you tried the PC Memories of Tuscany Fig Balsamic Sauce? WOW! I declare it THE sauce of Summer '06!

At 10:58 a.m., Blogger kT said...

I'm totally in. I caved and bought the paperback Garlic yesterday -- I'm so easy in a bookstore.

Can't wait to dig up the books for fall.

At 12:21 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, haven't tried it. With my current commute, I tend to only cook on weekends, and I've been a bit focused on Asian cooking, what with my recent purchase of "The Essential Wok Cookbook." I'll be sure to give it a shot soon :)

At 3:44 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, where is this fig sauce from? I'm all about figs right now.

At 3:52 p.m., Blogger virtuallyeric said...

That's great kt! Hope you enjoy!!!

Matt, its AMAZING. Its perfect on grilled chicken, on crostini with cheese, with well, pretty much anything!!

Grant, it a sauce made by Loblaws as part of their President's Choice line. I don't know if or where you'd find it in the States as its Canadian but if you ever got to Vancouver I'm sure you'd be able to find it there... I'll dredge up a photo somewhere for reference. :-)

At 10:51 a.m., Blogger Susan said...

When I got home last night, my copy of Garlic & Sapphires was waiting. I was exhausted from weeks of intensive work, so I lay down and a few hours later, I had finished reading the book. What a pleasure! It was wonderful, funny, and fascinating. Now I am ready to dive into my recipes. Although I was really disappointed to learn that RR's version of Spaghetti Carbonara does not contain cream.

At 10:05 a.m., Blogger virtuallyeric said...

Hi Susan! I'm so glad you liked it! I really can't wait to hear your review of the Spaghetti Carbonara - I've never actually made it myself so I'm dying to hear what you think! :-)


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